| 1. | A bid may be withdrawn before the fall of the hammer . 在锤子落下来之前,出价可以收回。 |
| 2. | His parents fled vietnam before the fall of saigon in 1975 Vu的父母于70年代西贡沦陷前逃出越南移居美国落地生根。 |
| 3. | His parents fled vietnam before the fall of saigon in 1975 Vu的父母于70年代西贡沦陷前逃出越南,移居美国落地生根。 |
| 4. | Most humans lost the ability to consciously breathe before the fall of atlantis 人类大多在亚特兰蒂斯没落前就丧失了有意识呼吸的能力。 |
| 5. | The terror started late on a sunday afternoon in august 1990 , just before the fall semester began 就在1990年8月秋季学期开始前的一个星期六的下午稍晚的时候,恐怖场面开始上演了。 |
| 6. | You will see by the account sales , which we enclose , that we were fortunate enough to di ose of these goods just before the fall of prices in this market 从所附销售帐单中可以看出。本公司有幸在贵地市场行情跌落之前,将这些商品售完。 |
| 7. | You will see by the account sales , which we enclose , that we were fortunate enough to dispose of these goods just before the fall of prices in this market 从所附销售帐单中可以看出。本公司有幸在贵地市场行情跌落之前,将这些商品售完。 |